Thursday, March 17, 2011

A run in with the....

So, Kiley answered the fine young gentleman that invited her to Junior Prom.  She actually answered him using one of my ideas.  I was amazed.  It is rare that she ever uses any of my suggestions.  Anyway, on to the story... We got one of these -
 to pull the young man over in his-

Our favorite police officer, asked the boy for his license and registration and then went back to his vehicle.  He waited awhile and then proceeded to give him his ticket - a.k.a. - a note from Kiley saying "YES!  I would love to go to prom with you!"
Following the incident, she gave the boy a Dr. Pepper and a note that said, "Sorry about that,  can't wait for the dance!" 
Now it's time to dress shop...

1 comment:

Kaiann said...

LOL I love that idea. I bet he was super relieved that he didn't get a ticket and that Kiley is going with him!