Thursday, December 2, 2010

Making Friends

The last couple of weeks, Destrie has not been thrilled about going to preschool.  He is one of the oldest kids in his class and he has done preschool like 4 times already- I wish he could have went to kindergarten this year, but that's another story.  Anyway, he has one little boy in his class that is his bestest pal (thank goodness for him) but, Destrie isn't too good of friends with anyone else.  This morning, I was trying to get him excited for going to school  and I mentioned to him that maybe he could try and make some more friends at school. To which he replied, "Like what?  Out of cardboard or something?"


Karen said...

That Destrie is a funny kid--cardboard friends are the best! :D

Bobbie said...

Ha ha! That made my day. Funny Destrie!